The Australian list contained just over 1000 names of abusers. The US database allegedly contains over 20,000! Holy CRAP!?!
This number shouldn't surprise though, given the overall greater number of JW adherents in the US, compared to Australia. Furthermore, the very EXISTENCE of such a list shouldn't shock, as parts of the US database WERE apparently shown to the appeals judge. They were just too blanked-out & redacted to be of any use.
Incidentally, much of Prince's involvement with the JWs is now making the rounds on news websites. Many journalists are pondering as to who will inherit his vast estate. I've seen comments to these stories which make reference to the ARC & pedo lawsuits, as well as the overall 'cultiness' of the JWs. Now would be a good opportunity to make some comments of our own, with specific reference to this San Diego case & the WTs potentially HUGE pedophile database. It would hopefully start getting the attention of more NON-JWs. I'd personally love to see 60 Minutes go after 'em!
Here's one such article. Their are more just like it. Simple 'Google' "Prince Jehovah's Witness," under the NEWS topic, and you'll get plenty o' hits: